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Rhinoplasty (Nose Aesthetic)

Nose attracts attention. It is placed in the middle of the face, that's why it gives the ultimate meaning to the visage. Some dominant deformities in its shape may cause also psychological...

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Tip Plasty

Tip plasty is the surgery to improve the appearance of the nasal tip. The nasal tip deformities show varieties such as wide nasal wings, flared nasal tip, drooping nose, bifid nose, asymmetrical...

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Rhinoplasty and breathing

Rhinoplasty is surgery on the nose to change its shape. However, this nose job should not cause any functional problems like a nasal blockage. Cartilage and bony dorsum of the nose is the roof of the...

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Thin skin in  rhinoplasty

Thin skin contains a thin subcutaneous fatty tissue layer. Even a small surgical procedure in thin skin rhinoplasty shows significant visible change on the nose. Postoperative edema and swellings are...

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Rhinoplasty and thick skin

The skin covering the nose shows varieties in thicknesses including its connective and fatty tissue. Thick skin has an advantage for the camouflage cover of the underlying cartilage and bone...

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The result of excessive hump reduction on the bony vault...

The bony vault is the upper 1/3 of the nasal dorsum. It is made up of paired nasal bones. Dorsal hump deformity is described as the excessive projection of the bony nasal vault. This hump may be...

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Male rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty among males has been popular lately. Rhinoplasty is not anymore in the monopoly of women, models, and actors anymore. To look great with self-confidence in the society, the business world...

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The bruising and swellings after rhinoplasty

Although it varies due to the person’s tissue qualities, generally the bruising and swellings are seen after rhinoplasty surgery for a short period of time. Cold-pack application on the nose...

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Nasal packings and pain after rhinoplasty

There will be definitely no pain after rhinoplasty, just a state of a little discomfort due to the nasal packings.Nasal packings are only used in rhinoplasty when an operation for septal deviation is...

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After rhinoplasty surgery..

After the operations; we have a few important recommendations….The precautions against swellings are important. Elevations of the head while sleeping, ice packages every 5 minutes per hour the...

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