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What happens the day of rhinoplasty?

The exact date of the rhinoplasty operation is scheduled. The patient should fast 7 hours before the operation. Otherwise, the anesthesia wouldn’t give general anesthesia to avoid a possible...

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Preparation for rhinoplasty operation

As you have chosen your surgeon, make sure that you have talked about all the details on your photos with the simulation programs. This consultation should satisfy both sides. The decision is made...

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The operation week in rhinoplasty (early recovery period)

The rhinoplasty procedure needs a period of 1 week. If there is a problem in nasal breathing, we operate inside of the nose and this operation is called rhinoseptoplasty. In rhinoseptoplasty, we put...

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The most compatible nose to the face

The definition of beauty aesthetically is not easy. The harmony, beauty and mathematical proportions are the main complementary issues. Harmony should be maintained due to the skin quality, the shape...

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Preoperative rhinoplasty consultations

Preoperative rhinoplasty consultations include taking photographs, analyzing these pictures on photoshop programs, endoscopic examination of the nose and informing the patients about the surgical...

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Wearing eyeglasses after rhinoplasty

Wearing eyeglasses after rhinoplasty This is a very common question asked? After rhinoplasty, eyeglasses can be worn a week. Since we place a splint on the bridge of the nose after rhinoplasty, the...

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Sun exposure after rhinoplasty

In general, excessive sun exposure is harmful to the skin. The ultraviolet damage leads to sun spots, deepen the lines and the most important of all increases the risk of skin cancer. After the...

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Rhinoplasty in the summertime

Rhinoplasty is a surgery that can be done at any time. Our general advice to the patient is to choose the most available and comfortable time for himself or herself. On the contrary to general...

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Crooked nose

The crooked nose is the deviation of the nose to one side. It is generally due to trauma or birth defect. Nose aesthetic is the only surgery to correct this deviation. The crooked nose in childhood...

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The nasolabial angle and columella-lobular angle

The nasolabial angle reflects the angle between the upper lip and the columella. A normal nasolabial angle in males is 90-95 degrees and in females is 100-105 degrees. This angle shows nasal tip...

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