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The problems on the nasal dorsum in revision rhinoplasty

It is crucial to stabilize the dorsum of the nose . Revision rhinoplasty can address a variety of deformities such as; The deviation on the dorsum may not be corrected sufficiently, so the nose still...

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Why is revision rhinoplasty more difficult?

Rhinoplasty is a hard surgery that doesn’t tolerate even minor undesired results. Revisions are considered in these cases. Revision rhinoplasty is more difficult because of the scar tissue, the...

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Revision rhinoplasty – when?

The most appropriate time for the revision rhinoplasty starts from the post-operative period of minimum 6 months. If the patient has had 2 or more revision surgeries before, the new revision for...

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Revision Rhinoplasty I- why?

Are you happy with your nose new nose? Can you breathe well? Do you like its new shape? Is there still a small hump? Do you have a refined tip? When there are a hesitation and uncertainty about the...

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Rhinoplasty and its socioeconomic perspective

There are many factors which influence the success of corporate life. Sociocultural level, education level, stable and healthy personality are undoubtedly the major factors. Additionally, the outside...

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Piezo Rhinoplasty

Piezo is an instrument that produces ultrasonic wave from electrical energy. The ultrasound waves which have reached to a special probe cut and shape the nasal bones with small blades. The classical...

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Why ENT specialists are preferred for rhinoplasty

Nose is one of the fundamental subjects of the ENT specialists. Other than the cosmetic appearance, the patients with functional problems of the nose firstly consult the ENT specialists. Post nasal...

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Small tips for otoplasty ...

Otoplasty is cosmetic surgery of the ear shape. There are 2 main deformities of the auricle. The ear sticks out from the head with an angle more than 25 degrees. And the curves of the auricle...

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Techniques of otoplasty

The treatment of protruding ears is always surgery. The two ears are operated at the same time. There are various techniques such as; suture, suture - incision, incision-scoring and cartilage...

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Nasal Obstruction

Nasal obstruction is the feeling of reduced air flow through the nostrils.The first and the most important function of the nose is the transmission of the inhaled air into the lungs by humidifying,...

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